Hey all!! Hope you are having a lovely Tuesday! I loved reading all of your Disney comments on my last post. ;) We were considering a trip around Christmas and now I’m determined more than ever to get back then!

I’m back today with the last of our Haven Conference ticket giveaways! If you don’t know what I’m talking about when I say Haven, go here to check it out. I’ll wait. :) haven conference

We have ONE more ticket to give away and I’ve got it! WHOO!

If you’ve already bought a ticket, you are still welcome to enter – you can sell your old ticket! There are a ton of people waiting to buy one, check out our Haven Facebook page to find someone who may want to attend!

If you are attending, don’t forget to add the button to your site!:

haven conference

Can’t wait to see you all there in two short months!

To enter, just leave a comment here! (Remember to include an email if you don’t have one attached to your account.) The giveaway will be open till this Thursday, June 13 at noon.

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